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With Amarosa, removed from the WH, she is revealing what most of us suspected all along...Pence would be worse than trump as president! "He's extreem, I'm Christian, I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things." "We would be begging for days of trump back if Pence became president," Says, Amarosa. It seems to me that America has been turned upside down...the LOONIES...yanked the reins from right out of our steeled grip! And, I for one...even, after analysis from many sides, am still trying to figure out how this is happening? What happens when a LOONEY, has unlimited power? Usually, it collapses under it's own weight! But, this is a run away train with 100s of box cars attached...flying off the rails into millions of people! People who can hear 'Jesus,' telling them stuff...AIN'T WELL!

Freedompath 9 Feb 13

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Imagine if you will, a scenario where the timing is: Mueller parades his actions in a way they pretty much guarantees a blue wave in November, Followed by an arrest of Pence for obstruction of justice so that he is removed from the scene in mid-January, with impeachment proceedings against Trump (or he resigns), leaving the third in line as our new President. Madame President Pelosi. 🙂

That could work...but she isn't young, even though she has hung in there...through many storms! There are (I suspect), many more angry GOP doners and lobbyist that would make her life hell...working thru the remaining Republicans I don't underestimate these people anymore! They play to win...regardless of the cost! I'm a believer now! These wealthy doners are supporting trump...? Why?

@Freedompath Why? Because of billion dollar tax cuts? Would that be excuse enough for greedy men?

Never happen. ...Pence would be instantly replaced like Agnew with Ford. ....If Orange Batman & Robin Ruuuusssshhhaaaahhhh Dingy Crazy LIMPboss "on decaf" are removed resigned Rethuglicans will put Paul Ryan in line wave is a pipe dream. ...the creep who defeated Moore in Alabama has already caved to the swamp of lobbyists and fascist corporatism foreclosing upon USA. ....THERE ARE NOT 300 honest Democrats running for Congress. ...just the same bribed thieves changing out of Rethuglicans clothes

@GreenAtheist It's all in the timing.If the November election is the blue wave so many are predicting, the Republicans will be rushing to cover their butts in their remaining few days in charge. Based on their performance to date they will be unable to do much more than flush a toilet or two.


This has happened before. When the nation realized Spiro Agnew was chomping at the bit he was offered a resignation, which he grabbed. So we got Gerald Ford. Going to make a 2nd post

A veto proof blue Congress confirmed Ford to replace Agnew in the days long ago when seniority and party was not one thousand per cent corrupt Senator Moynihan for example lectured his campaign donors and often refused their money when their bill was pending in the Senate. ....the appearance of ethics and rule of law evaporated when airlines buslines trucking all were de-regulated by Jimmah. ....inflation has been overtaken by Goldman Sachs raiding the US TREASURY stealing TRAIN LOADS OF CASH. ....USA has one hope left for the BILL of RIGHTS 2 B ratified in 27 more states 50 thousand persons per Congressional district AMENDMENT ONE the most important right of all face to face door to door DEMOCRACY IN CONGRESS 1789 GENERAL WASHINGTON only testified to this single Amendment. ...he never commanded more than 30 thousand troops in the field


I agree..hopefully Penis will be arrested for conspiracy to commit treason by way of witholding evidence in the Russia investigation..

We can only dream...

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