So, I've never quite understood why, when a loved pet dies, owners so often say they won't ever get another. I get the grief, loss, sorrow and I currently have the best, smartest, most loving, cuddly little rescue dog I love as much as my kids. I knew when I got her her life span was about 10 years. I've made sure she has the best life possible. After a period of grieving her absence, I know I'll rescue another one to create the same symbiotic relationship. Why would one deny that because of impermanence?
Yes that is how I have always dealt with pets, their limited lifespan is priced into the experience. My wife however is going to weep and wail and gnash her teeth for weeks after the death of our current pets, I'm sure. Partly because of that, and partly because we're old and can't be sure we'll outlive the next batch, and partly because it makes travel needlessly complicated and we want to do more of that ... these will be our last pets. In 7 or 8 years, we're done. I guess if our health were such that we were housebound we might adopt an elderly dog or something but that would be about it.
Yes, that makes perfect sense. When someone won't ever have another due to the grief - that's what I don't get. Thanks for your response & happy traveling.
Theres no right or wrong way to grieve, and everybodys different.
Of course.
better to have loved and lost, and all that. it hurts like hell. i've lost so many. i look at my five elderly cats with absolute fear of losing them. yet i wouldn't erase having known them, and knowing them now, for anything. they've added so much to my life. i hope i have done likewise. i have reason to believe i've given them good lives.
Exactly. I can't deny the mutual affection & care because they will die before me. I can be strong enough to share that joy & love again. Thanks for your thoughts.
For some people the repeating of the loss is too much,the negative side of this,is another worthy animal may go to it's death,because,no one came in time......
Yes, the loss is so hard. But we're humans and they depend on us. Thanks for your response.