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Just started a group for spiritual atheists. If that's you, come by and join us!

Atheopagan 6 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Spiritual Atheists?"......Ooooohhhhkaaaay.

Hey @silvereyes. You asked earlier about biting one's tongue? Here it is 🙂

Just couldn't do it, eh?

Spirituality is a real set of human experiences which requires no credulity in gods or the supernatural. If you don't understand that, you can read up and learn.

@Atheopagan well, I don't have to, do I. With an authority on the subject such as yourself just click away, I have all I need. 🙂

If you're willing to listen, I suppose that's true. But I don't believe for a moment you mean this in any other than a sarcastic manner, which is unfortunate.

@Atheopagan don't be so fucking pompous, and learn to take a joke.

You set the tone of this conversation with your OP. Don't be so fucking passive aggressive, and learn to let people be as they are, even if it's not the way YOU are.

@Atheopagan let people be as they are WAS exactly the point of my post, you know, ooooohhhkaaay, whatever they want, fine. It's called humour. Guess it went over your head. Yeah, I wouldn't do psych analysis, if I were you, given how pompous and patronising you are, "if you don't understand you can read up and learn.." Anyway, goodbye. I'll leave you to your philosophy... Sorry religion.

LOL. Bye!


I would call myself such. How do I join a group? Haven't seen how that works yet.

Go up to the "Meet" button, and click. Select "Groups" then search for "Spiritual Atheists", and join!

@Atheopagan Sorry if I'm being obtuse but I can't find "Groups" under "Meet". Can you point out where on the page it is?

... Nevermind! I found it on the main page in the upper right hand corner.


I would call myself a spiritual atheist. For me it means that I believe there is another plane of existence once we die. But it’s not anything to do with a god. I probably wouldn’t be that except that I had an experience within a few hours after my mother’s mother died where she came to me in a dream to tell me it was going to be okay. That probably wouldn’t mean much, except that I wasn’t aware she was dead until that dream. Of course it’s arguable as to whether any of it is real. But it was something very personal for me to which I am still trying to understand today. There may not be any spiritual plane of existence. But until I can explain that dream I won’t rule it out. FYI, I’ve had a couple of other similar things happen with my uncle who I was very close to. So it has only been reinforced since then.


There are many examples of spiritual practices which do not require belief in gods or the supernatural. American Zen Buddhism, for example. Various yogic and meditation practices. That sort of thing.


More of an oxymoron than anything else. Of course A-theism is just a non-belief in god(s) so I imagine on can believe in spirits as long as they aren't god(s). (IMHO)

That was my initial reaction. I am, however, open to differing points of view.

No, it isn't. Spirituality is a human experience, whatever your cosmology. I, for example, am an atheist Pagan. I hold the natural world as sacred and worthy of defending, and I practice rituals and holidays which help me to be happier, to focus on my goals, to celebrate the passage of the seasons and major life events, and to build community with like-minded others.

@Atheopagan As long as it is not god(s), you're good to go.

Nope. No gods, no "magic", no woo-woo stuff. Just the magnificent Universe as revealed to us by science.


What is a "spiritual atheist"? I'm in earnest, no sarcasm intended whatsoever.

See my reply to jlynn37 above. Thanks for asking!

@Atheopagan Thank you for the response.

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