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Are you proud of your parents? If yes,what factors do you think made them special to you than just giving birth to you? Who do you value most papa or mama? Why do you think the one you prefer was/is better? How did they impact your future? Do you have any regrets of them? Personally, Iam 80% not proud of them both.

Humanlove 7 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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My 101year old father .He is a great role model


My mom is great, I am more fortunate than I realize.
What’s a dad?


My mother is a great role model to me! She has always sacrificed her whole life for my sister and i, and my brother who was addicted to drugs most of his life. Now I am her caregiver and though sometimes it's hard, I feel lucky to still have her in my life. My father, however, is the polar opposite. He never held a job, is a habitual liar and I have a very strained relationship with him. I went 15 and must of my sins life not speaking to him. I have come to the conclusion in my more mature age, that he loves me, but is so insecure that it is hard for him to have a constructive relationship with anybody. He must talk down other people to make himself feel better. But he never abused me, just has a hard time with himself. Thanks for the question. He does make me appreciate my mother even more!


I am looking forward to reading positive responses here, I am jealous in a good way of my friends who had good role models and positive childhood experiences.


I am 100% proud of my father and 90% proud of my mother. They both taught me to think for myself, respect others, kindness, generosity, not to judge a book by its cover, humility, love of nature, care for our environment, to think beyond ones self, empathy, social justice, the value of hard work and so much more as for the 10% of my mother that is reserved for a bad temper that could result in verbal cruelty, probably based in damage in her childhood.

Another very fortunate one. This is awesome. Scores of 100 and 90 are pretty damn impressive.


My folks, especially my dad let me grow up to think for myself. It didn't take for a while but it was there in the back of my brain and won out in the end. That was decades before anyone ever heard of critical thinking skills. They also loved me unconditionally.

gearl Level 8 Feb 14, 2018
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