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THUNDER BAY has been called the killing fields of Natives..
Young teens body found..


AmmaRE007 7 Dec 10

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I use to know someone that was in the Canadian coast guard up that way so I might reach out see if they know anything about what might be going on.

Maybe on Dec 14.

@AmmaRE007 yeah because it might take a couple of days just to get in contact if they’re out on the water but if you don’t hear from me by then hit me up on the 15th

@48thRonin I was just making a random reference to the 48th Ronin legend lol

@AmmaRE007 Oh shit ? it’s late and I’ve focused on everything else that I ( sigh ) didn’t even think that’s what you were talking about.

And yes that was the day that they set forth to avenge their fallen master but I am the 48 th which is a different story all together


It's been rumoured that there is a serial killer up there targeting native women for years.

part of the problem is the police are looking the other way.

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