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Looking back over a long lifetime, and the struggle with a parent lost in religion, forcing children into religion before they can even spell it. I can only imagine how many were put into a religious arena as uneducated children, brainwashed, and asked today, "Why do you belong to that religion," " my parents do." which is the worst answer one can give..."why do you vote for the party you do ?" "well my parents do" WHEN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO GROW AND THINK FOR YOURSELF ?

JimPlatt2 5 Dec 11

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It seems like a quick course on common sense would help a lot of people. But, then, I don't know. The ones around me don't seem to care WHAT the bible far as they are concerned, it is true no matter what, because that is what they were taught to only took me 2 contradictions to open my eyes.


Right? I’ve told a few folks, you don’t have to think like me...but please, just THINK. Make up your own mind.
My youngest brother and his wife homeschooled their kids in a ‘xtian’ program that was highly revisionary on history and science-deficient. I have watched her teaching them ‘history’ straight from the Bible. I was invited as their guest speaker once, after my first trip to Egypt, when they were studying from the Old Testament. I was never invited back, lol.
What’s sad is that their eldest is like me—agnostic from childhood. He attempted suicide which they ‘treated’ with prayer...second attempt was not at home and he got the help he needed. He came out to me last year, though not to them. Poor child, he said he had felt brainwashed, and was in despair. In that way, I see religion as harmful.

He is fortunate to have someone like you~~ I hope I can help a child someday...children seem to be the most likely to see the truth, if they are helped soon enough.

I was a Christian for about 40 years, and I say, no one is too old to see the light. I am proud to say that as of around 10 years ago, I no longer believe and I have also discovered that many claim to be Christians, but are afraid to admit they no longer believe. I love it when a Christian approaches me and wants to share his beliefs with me and wants me to get saved. They think they know their scripture but I know the scriptures better than they do. And, when I point out that their god is a hideous, monster because he sanctions slavery, and commands his chosen army to kill innocent people including babies and pregnant women. The first thing they want to do then, is to start lying and making excuses for their god.


It kind of depends on what kind of religion they are forced into. Some are less toxic than others (I'm thinking fundamentalist vs mainline Christian). Personally, I was raised Presbyterian and it doesn't seem to have done me any lasting harm. I seem to have just grown out of it, kind of like Santa Claus.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

Third grade was my departure from my parents views and it was a difficult time until I joined the Marines at 18.

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