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Ethical Baking...

For the past few years, I have been on a health and wellness program that involves basically cutting out sugars and most carbs. I have lost a bunch of weight, have so much more energy, have no health issues, and take no obviously, it is working to improve my life.

Recently, I made a decision not to attend a church service for a baby baptism because I felt it went against my principles...I didn't make a big stink about it, I just offered an alternative excuse and did attend the reception and offer my love to the baby and the family. I won't be attending other events that involve churches either...just something I have wanted to do but was not inclined to do for a lot of reasons.

This got me thinking about how I need to apply this the same way to my feeding family and friends. If I am benefiting and strongly against what I consider "poison" foods for myself, how can I ethically bake goods for others and feed them these poisons?

I have decided that I am going to live what I believe...I think I can find healthy alternatives to sugar cookies and pie. I can't control, nor would I want to, what they eat outside of my home, but that is not the point. I need to live what I preach. Maybe set an example?

I was just wondering what the community's thoughts are on you cook or give your family stuff you don't eat? How do you reconcile that?

Appreciate your thoughts...

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thinktwice 8 Dec 11

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You cannot control what other people put into their bodies, however, it would be wrong to deliberately feed them anything you believe is poison.

Thank you...that is what I have decided...trying to use 2019 to match my actions to my beliefs...doesn't look like it will be a big deal...there are always ways to take care of others without compromising myself...


I would not cook something some else wouldn't eat, or if i went to someones house and i knew the food they had ,etc i didn't like i would probably eat before hand home or somewhere else.

This came about because I was going to bake goodies for the holidays...and I didn't have the ingredients because I don't buy got me thinking about why I was doing this to my family when I personally would not do it to myself....sugar, flour, etc.

It is a personal choice and no one will even know, I suspect, when I bring a fruit salad or something to the next gathering...

@thinktwice sounds good to me


In my home, I would only cook vegan meals and bake vegan goodies. My SO has decided on his own to be vegetarian. I will not cook or bake with dairy, eggs, honey, etc. But he is welcome to cook or bake his own food with those ingredients if he wants to. Usually all he does is add regular mayo or sour cream to meals I make. I don’t entertain guests in my house (because I’m antisocial) so I don’t cook or bake for other people. When I visit my parents or friends I don’t expect them to have vegan options for me. I just come prepared with my own food or simply don’t eat. My pets though eat regular food as per required for their species.

Again, I admire that you have found this wonderful solution!


I serve what I make... I won't make anything I don't like or that I won't eat. If they don't like what I cook, they can order take out lol
Never had problems though

lol I like your solution! Maybe I should have some take out menus available...ha ha


When I have guests, I try to serve what I think they would enjoy. Always have a variety. I can eat whatever I want anytime.

ugly Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

I'm not saying everyone has an ethical issue, so it is good to know that it is true...I think my family and friends would enjoy whatever I gave or made...I don't think this dilemma is overly traumatic, which is one of my points...the community has proven that it can be done without drama or compromise to me...I think my guest might like iguana on a stick, but I probably won't serve that... 😉

@thinktwice If I asked nicely, would you fix me some iguana?

@ugly lol sorry, I threw that out there because I got slammed in another post by a vegan for mentioning foods I had in foreign countries...I don't think we have iguanas in PA...but I can fix a good sukiyaki....

@thinktwice Tasty,I can have the iguana another time.


I cut out sugar 8 years ago. Been gluten free for 20 years. I do not bake or offer it to others. Fruits, vegetables, soups and casseroles. 4 and a half years I've lived in this apartment complex and I have not changed anyones love for sugar. I am not vegetarian but sugar is a drug and I treat it as a food additive/spice. A pinch of sugar in tomato sauce, dressing for cole slaw, etc. I try and eat only non-GMO and organic. What people eat outside my home is their business.
There is a monthly potluck and I don't bring a dessert. There is a monthly birthday party and I will not bake a cake. Since I am secretary of the activity committee I show up to help set-up and clean-up. For some reason I get to slice the cakes and pies that people bring for dessert at the potluck. I think it is because I do not eat gluten or sugar so there is no risk of me licking the knife between cuts - LOL. Yeah, worry about germs but fuck your blood sugar reading, crazy diabetics we got living here. can eat and live without imposing your beliefs on others...thank you for have given a real life validation that it can be done with no drama....


I'll be founding a new activist group, PETP (People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants, naturally). Our mission will be to violently oppose the growing and harvesting of plants for human consumption. Inhumane growing methods. Separation of seedlings from their parents. And we will be championing Plants' Rights. (and I am totally kidding). =]

lol I know, right? People get weird around food...I don't care what they eat...I am not a vegan or even a vegetarian...I just know what sugar has done to my health and those of my parents and don't want to pass on that habit unwittingly...sheesh...thanks for bringing in some humor, friend!

@thinktwice I'm an omnivore, but if a vegan or vegetarian invited me to their home for dinner I would eat whatever (cuz I'm an omnivore, don'tchaknow). I would expect no special accommodation and would probably love whatever was prepared. What time's dinner?

@IAMGROOT I suspect most people are ... I am...I would never expect special treatment as a guest...where there is food, I will eat...


I think forcing other people to adhere to your diet is not that nice. Given that, something simple like a homemade apple pie couldn't be that objectionable. You can make it without much sugar at all, just ratchet up the cinnamon. The crust isn't a whole lot of carbs (compared to a bread or cake). I think in all things moderation, not total abstinence, is the key.

Orbit Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

That's precisely not what she said. She said she won't force them to follow her diet, quite explicitly; simply that the things she makes will adhere to her diet. I don't find this to be "not nice" at all - it would be not nice of them to reject it, given the thought that's gone into it, unless they had good reason not to (allergies for instance).

I don't intend to force anyone...I just want to match up my beliefs with my actions, much like not attending church services when I don't believe in god or religion...and yes, to me, an apple pie is not anything I would make...the crust being the part I would skip altogether...I do not subscribe to the "all things in moderation"...I believe in a once in a while lapse to eat a piece of pie, but I am targeting sugar in my life...


I'm glad that your diet is working for you, but not everyone is the same. There are different body types, different metabolisms and different diet goals. If someone wants to follow nutritional advice, there is advice galore -- much of it contradictory and much of it hogwash. Lately, coffee is good for you, a while ago, coffee was bad for you. It goes on and on.

I am not asking anyone to follow my plan...I am merely wanting to live what I preach...I have no intentions of even saying a word...just making food that people can enjoy without compromising what I believe. I just wondered if others felt they were doing things that were part of tradition, etc. Especially during this holiday season...I am not going to bake loads of cookies but will still try to find things to feed my family and guests.


If I could cook I would probably give it away or to the dogs. I'm a terrible cook.

I think this applies to dining out as well...a gift card to Dunkin Donuts should probably be replaced with one from Panera or something...small changes that will support my beliefs...


Oh, and I should mention, I really like the comparison you've drawn between sugary food and church/religion. I don't know if it was intended, but I can totally see religion being basically sugar, and too much of it leads to diabetes and serious health problems.

The reference to the church was finally acting upon my beliefs rather than just talking about them...I had way too much time on my hands on my way to the event and started thinking about how other areas of my life are somewhat came to mind due to another post that got me thinking...I need to match my actions with my words...


I tend not to feed people stuff I wouldn't eat, but it's not out of any strong desire for their health. I eat poorly, and need to follow your example, and I think if I did that, I'd continue following it and not ram garbage down my friends' throats. Probably (not that that's what you were actually suggesting, but I do genuinely appreciate and respect your approach, even if I don't think of any foods as poisonous in the same way or anything).

I worry about my family and friends and the declining health and obesity issues...I realized I was part of the problem and my tiny way to help is to set the example? I don't want to say anything to my them...just make better foods for them to pick while they are in my home...a small token to show I care by doing without forcing...


My innards dictate what I can & can't eat/drink, but I never expect others to follow my dietary realities. I prepare the foods, they choose what to eat or drink of the available offerings. I don't do a lot of sugary baking, as I never have, but I may have one sweet to offer, or even a fruit salad with no added sugar.

True...they still get to choose! I can make a variety of things that are tasty and healthy...they can choose from the the past, I made way too many things that just made me almost sick preparing them...I can't change their behavior, but I can change mine.

@thinktwice I am also not into junk foods.....if I must spend the money on food, it does not go to empty calories.

@Lilac-Jade BUT potato chips!!! I cave every so often and indulge - the non-gmo organic ones cooked in olive oil or coconut oil.

@silverotter11 Not my thing.

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