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Some "christians" claim that many of the people who say that they are "christian" are false "christians", because they worship money and power instead of "Christ" . . . . Well, I have news for them . . . . The whole religion is about money and power . . . And it is not difficult to figure that out, just look at what the 2000-year-old book says about the rewards for the "faithful" . . . . Streets of gold in "heaven" . . . . If that is not materialistic, I do not know what is . . . . The whole religion is crap, from top to bottom.

THHA 7 Dec 11

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So many professed xtions refuse to listen to devil music and yet they are it: buying their own stairway to heaven.


With a God that has big problems with anger.


I would agree! Funny how they can’t be bothered to see their own place in this scheme!


By their standards . . . . all dice are not true dice if they are not balanced properly, which in truth, includes all of the dice that exist, given that none are perfectly balanced. After all, is it not the whole purpose of christianity to be forgiven for some "sin"? . . . so what makes them say that OTHERS are not true christians . . . . one could hit them with the notion that the claim that they themselves make against others is judgemental . . . . and hence they cannot be true christians themselves!

THHA Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

They may all be true Christians, just different ideas on their choice of fantasies! Where does the morality and ethical behavior, fit in, right here and right now?


The question I have is how do Christians determine if someone is a true Christian or not?

I once had a conversation with a Christian who insisted that there has been no atrocities done by them past or present. I reminded them of the Crusades and the Inquisition. Their reply...... "well, they weren't true Christians".

I guess there is an excuse for everything. The problem is, I'm not buying it.

Ive met maybe 3-5 "real" christians out of hundreds, if the definition is shifted to "people who aren't shitheads." Which was apparently never super clear in the qualifications.

The best is when you quote the bible at them, without telling them, and they claim it is not true Christianity, if you are really lucky they ask who told me that "rubbish" so I can smile sweetly and say "Jesus did" then quote chapter and verse.
Sometimes they cry.

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