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"In 2008 Harris Interactive found that 3.2% are vegetarian and 0.5% vegan" in the US -- Wikipedia

"According to a report in 2017, the number of consumers claiming to be vegan has risen to 6% in the US." -- Wikipedia


IDK why the rate has risen; it may be health, environment, ethics or something else. Whatever, it is good for those people and the environment.

EdEarl 8 Dec 11

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I love vegetarian food. It is not all about lettuce leafs. Actually I love food, cannot think of any food I have come across yet that I hate. Three cheers for food.


If you are a vegan, good for you.
If you are a vegetarian, good for you.
If you eat meat (animals), good for you.

We (humans) all make choices in how we live our lives. If you don't think people should be vegans, or vegetarians, or eat meat; then that's ok. Practice what you preach but don't preach to those who don't want it.

This is a free country, who are you to say I should not practice my right? You have been polite telling me to shut up, but the message is not polite. Sorry, I shall continue to exercise my right to free speech.

@EdEarl You're easily offended, aren't you? My message wasn't directed at you but just a generalization to everyone. As a vegetarian myself, I agree with most of your replies justifying that being a vegetarian or vegan is healthier based on scientific evidence compared to eating meat. But I've seen so many vegan/vegetarians be assholes to people that eat meat, and vice versa. Let everyone be (again not directed at you but to everyone).

Also my last sentence in my initial comment said "practice what you preach" so I wasn't telling you or anyone else to not practice your lifestyle, but to know your audience, "don't preach to those who don't want it" because as we all probably know, sometimes trying to convince people of something using scientific evidence is like talking to a brick wall.

@joeymf86 You commented on my post, and didn't specify to whom you were speaking. Why wouldn't I assume you were speaking to me? Perhaps I'm easily offended, but not much offended. It only affected me till my reply was finished.

@EdEarl There were a few people who commented on this post who I wanted to reply to, but instead of spamming the same thing as replies, I decided to just submit a comment myself. I do see now that I should have tagged the people or done something to make sure you didn't feel like it was directed at you; unfortunately, we can't change the past.

@joeymf86 live and learn


I raise and harvest my own meat. Homo sapien sapiens are omnivores.

I love these comments about ā€˜enlightenedā€™ you people are. Sounds like theistsā€”so much better than others.

Sincerely thank for saying that we are omnivores that has been my argument for years that we should eat based upon our design some theoretical nonsense or because of someoneā€™s inability to accept that we must kill in order to survive.

I'm sorry, nothing in my post was derogatory. Doctors have been studying nutrition and find people who eat a plant based diet have fewer heart attacks, less cancer, lower diabetes rates, lower blood pressure, and many other things than people who eat meat.

Moreover, eating a plant based diet is better for the environment, because feeding stock for meat requires more oil, land and water. Though it seems impossible, I've read that a quarter pounder requires 2000 gallons water resources, considering water for feed, animals, and other things.

Theists believe with no evidence. My statements are based on evidence. Thus, your comment about my attitude of being like a theist is nonsense.

Our canines are very short, not like a bear (also an omnivore). We can eat meat, but we digest it better cooked. Carnivores and true omnivores like bears are healthier eating raw meat. I'm sure eating meat has been a good survival tool, but that doesn't mean that meat and meat products are our most healthful foods.

You have been disrespectful to me; although, I have made no statement about you, ever. The Agnostic FAQ recommends reporting or blocking you for being disrespectful. I shall not do that, consider this a warning.

If you wish to take me on, do it with scientific evidence, not an ad hominem attack. The animal production industry has provided arguments against a plant based diet, and I'm sure you can find evidence contrary to mine.

@freedompath more.

@48thRonin ty for support

I think you meant to say meat has a higher percent of protein than any vegetable. An amino acid molecule, whether from plant or vegetable source is the same, neither is better.

I don't disagree with meat having a higher percent of protein than vegetables. You are right. However, your body cannot use all that protein. It either poops it out or converts it into fat or sugar. It stores the fat in cells, and the sugar is used to power your body. Of course, excess sugar will convert to fat, too.

There is contradictory information about how much protein one needs. Some doctors say there is enough protein in a white potato for an adult. Look at the longest lived populations in the world, and you will find they eat the Mediterranean diet, or one very similar, which means they eat about 7 oz meat a week, and the rest is vegetables. People on these diets often live into their 90s and many work until they are in their 80s, with little or no medication. Compare that to the US, where some children in grade school already have the start of heart disease. With medication and medical procedures, we can live to be 80, but tend to have high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases.

@maturin1919 The only supplement I take because I'm not eating meat is B12, which isn't produced by animals. Vegans live into their 90s being healthy. Americans on their animal product diet die younger of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and other maladies. You can have all the meat I might have eaten.

No need to be an asshole. Lol. Idgaf about you or your opinion.

@Gooniesnvrdie, @EdEarl Block me assholes. Make a public post, get a public opinion.


The problem here though is that it's misleading. A 1% increase sounds good until you consider how many new humans exist in that same time frame, then do the math and see how many new people are alive that are eating meat compared to before. Veganism and vegetarianism might rise percentage wise but not enough to counter the increase of people overall, thus despite this increase in popularity in veganism we still end up with a rise in animals farmed for consumption

True. As more people change to eating a plant based diet and experience the health benefits, they will teach their children to eat plant based, and tell their friends. More people will change, and perhaps there will be a significant improvement in the environment. I can hope.

Maybe, but still more people turn to vegetarianism.

And yet more mouths each year are being filled with meat and dairy than the year prior. We are not winning.


I'm an ethical non-meat person. I love animals - which I see as our equals, having a right to their own lives.
The health and environmental benefits are excellent side results !

I rarely eat meat or meat products, have gotten to a plant based diet for health and discovered it was also great for the environment, including all the endangered critters.


I'm a vegan and I am in excellent health at 76 years of age.

Great! Good to hear from you. Have you been vegan for life?

How many meds do you take, and what for, if you don't mind, please.

I take B12 supplement @EdEarl

No About 10 years ago I cut way back on meat and slowly stopped. About 8 years ago my nutritionist recommended I stop eating any cheese. I immediately had less sinus problems. So I went completely vegan about 5 years ago. @EdEarl

@nicknotes I'm allergic to milk. It congests my lungs and makes me susceptible to colds.

Good thing you are not drinking milk. With an older man, milk makes it hard to pee. @EdEarl

@nicknotes I lucked outšŸ™‚


Iā€™m a vegetarian purely for health reasons. Meat in moderation may be safe but the American diet does not know from moderation.

I gave up all meats because I had high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

9 months after becoming a vegetarian neither was any longer an issue.

Thanks for telling your story; grats.

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