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Today I got a really nice text from a Belarusian girl, with whom I had a first date. At the time, it seemed to me there was no chemistry from both sides but we kept in touch anyway, just following the advice of an Egyptian friend that was to never burn bridges. Do you agree?

Paddypereira 7 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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In fairness, it was day that went quite well although followed by a small disappointment. It's amazing how a small thing like this in the right time changes a day for the better out of the blue.


Yes,times change,you may be in her memories and she could contact you again.


Unless you are really getting "bad vibes" about it, seems like you could give things a little more time.

Carin Level 8 Dec 13, 2018
2 never know how things might turn out.

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