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My son graduated from our local tech college today. The ceremony opened with an extremely religious invocation and ended with a benediction that was only a little less heavy handed. I was really pissed that a public school would do this, but I guess it's not too surprising considering this is SC. However, it was ironic that right after the invocation the dean spoke about the school's diversity, apparently not realizing that diversity also means that not everyone believes in JC and the sky daddy. I considered contacting the AHA or FFRF, but a quick Google check leads me to believe the rules on this are much more lenient as the students are adults (as opposed to preaching & praying in elementary/middle/high schools.) So in addition to venting a bit here, I'm wondering if I should contact the dean to let him know that shoving religion down our throats really killed some of the excitement of the moment. Any opinions?

dkp93 8 Dec 14

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You are better than that.You can hear all that nonsense without throwing up. When it happens to me, I simply smile and ignore it.


Contact the dean pronto.


The hypocrisy is amazing . I feel your frustration and pain . Your son is done , and congrats btw . I used to want to argue in similar situations . On now days , I just opt out of anything similar at work , while can't compare w a graduation of your son .
I say walk away , bcz they love their illusions and most parents probably in the demographic u noted are ecstatic to have gods loving them in ceremonies . And majority will win .


I think, since your son is done and it won’t impact him, it would be ok to contact the dean. And I think your point about touting “diversity” is key.


What school?

Greenville Technical College

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