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I am of the belief that those serving in the Supreme Court should be required to retire at 70. I do not believe that a judge older than that can be relative to the times and the changes in society that may be going on. A good example is the reduction in the number of people going to church.

Marine 8 Dec 15

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There is no example of term limits that has provided any type of positive benefit. None. Anywhere.

So, like, none.

it would still be better than repeating the same mistake.

@creative51 You need to learn what it means to be creative.

@creative51 i do not have time to take on and iffy outcome.

@Marine . . . In michigan term limits has resulted in very bad roads and decaying public schools.
Term limits means there is no reason for politicians to form working relationships. So they do bad things.

@creative51 . . how can you not always agree with me?


I don't know about that. I know a lot of wise, relevant older peeps and a lot of irrelevent, out of touch younger really does come down to the individual. However, having said that I actually do agree wirh you but in the context of term limits. Change is natures way of adapting.


You are both right and wrong. All of this depends on whether or not you believe the Constitution is a living document. Conservatives believe in the literal interpretation of Constitution in the time it was written. Literalists. Liberals believe that it should be read in light of the times.


That's age discrimination and illegal.

It is applied in the FBI 55


Relative to the church reference above it is obvious that the recent appointment will look the other way or support religion in their actions. Other areas that may be of concern are womens rights to control their own bodies such as abortion. The latter has been better accepted by a large number of the population. I also believe their should be some manner of rejecting a judge that it is deemed is not doing his or her job .

"I also believe their should be some manner of rejecting a judge that it is deemed is not doing his or her job". That is completely subjective. Best illustrated by "one man's trash is another man's treasure". If any judge does not support YOUR personal opinion, he/she is not doing his/her job and should be removed.

@jlynn37 A judge who gives 200 hours of community service for rape isn't doing his job.This is a good example of what I mean.

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