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Most expensive accident you were ever in, your fault or not. Mine: aircraft carrier into an oil tanker. Two ships damaged. 3 plus million gallons of oil spilled. Luckily no deaths.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, that beats my ‘81 VW Jetta story... I think it was worth about $5k when someone t-boned into the driver’s seat 30 seconds after I had walked out after parking it. #brushwithdeath


75,000.00 of fuel spilled on head on accident on German Road and while in the movies every single time the tanker explodes until I am deposit in heaven with a Thud... the fuel tanker trailer did not exploded. Ohhh adventures in Bavaria Germany. After the Accident I was Nicknamed at Work... "Crash"


The company bought a used Ottawa trailer mover (called a yard goat). Lifts a trailer up in the air so you don't have to roll up the landing gear. I knew how to use it in theory but the instrument tags were long gone. I lifted a fully loaded trailer and went to release the brakes. Hit the pin release separating the trailer from the goat. Shot out like a rocket with the 20 tons pushing down. Bent the trailer and broke the landing gear. $40,000.


Depending on how you access the value of human life, you may have secured the trophy.

If you access great value to human life, rather sure there will be some runner-ups:

The summer after attending 4th grade I, with a dozen other neighborhood kids, was a passenger in the back of a 1920's pumper truck (fire engine designed to pump water from bodies of water to fight fires): This was an amazing truck. The state fire marshal owned this vehicle and loved to drive it around for the local kids to enjoy. It was a bit expensive to operate as it got 2 gallons to the mile. The lighting for the truck were kerosene lanterns. Each of the (think it was twelve) cylinders in the engine were the size of a coffee can. The massive water pump occupied the belly of this beast with chrome covers on the sides to allow suction and pressure hoses (strapped on the side of the truck. The running boards were 1/2" plate steel covered in chrome diamond steel plate supported by angle iron supports.

One day we were traveling down a road the kids were having fun pulling the rope that rang the huge fire bell but when we reached a "T" in the road with a HUGE tree on the corner that did not allow people to see oncoming traffic) Vance (the driver and state fire marshal) stopped the truck. I asked one of the other kids why we stopped and was told, "Someone hit us". I honestly did not feel any impact from the collision. A woman driving a large light blue 2 door 1970's Chevy passenger car had T boned the side of the truck. When I finally climbed off the back of the truck to check out what had happened, the driver had already been extracted and carted away. The front window was broken and there engine had entered the passenger section of the car. When I looked through the door (that no longer closed, there was lots of blood and the transmission had been pushed back and up between the two front seats. Not sure how they got her out as there wasn't much room between the seat and engine but I can't imagine this was a good outcome for her. As for the truck - - there was a small scratch on the chrome of the batter case that rested on the side running board. Other then that, I couldn't find any damage.


Posted in “Silly, Random and Fun?” … off topic I’d say, and not your fault … but this new categorization is bugging me…. Especially when ending up in the unmarked ‘groups’ with similarly deceptive headings..

Accident: waking up in intensive care with no idea why? ...having trusted a friend to drive, thus nearly graduating high school on crutches and having experienced ‘retrograde amnesia.’

Varn Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

Yea lol you win .

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