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Listen people. It's been the "beginning of the end" since before Trump was even inaugurated and frankly I'm sick of hearing about it. Both the real and fake news do not have to talk about him ad infinitum. He has caused division between friends, couples, families, states and our whole SHITHOLE country! I never watched his TV show. What could he have done to generate such support!? And after him? Then what? Will we STOP selling weapons of war? Will we raise our educational system so we can be in the top 10 in the world? Will we welcome immigrants and stop being racist? There must be a better way!

karmenb1 3 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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We had better start embracing immigrants and give them a path to citizenship. Then they can advance our culture and start paying taxes. People need to stop saying this will never be a socialist country because it is already one now. Medicare was billed $550,000 last year for my heart surgery and rehab. Reagan warned Medicare would destroy American freedom. Yes the freedom to die like a little bitch.


?????? Well said , but he’s nothing more than a bad case of buyers remorse from the democrats who bought him to attack the republicans and then big surprise he turned and bit them as well.

And for his supporters he’s a middle finger to those that they feel are trying to force change upon them whenever they’re looking past their noses at their concerns.

Other than that he’s a hot fucking mess that has bitten his own ass too many times now and soon he’ll be put down.

But like you asked will we stop with all of the deplorable behaviors that were actually going for the last 7 or so presidencies??
No probably not for a second but if I’ve learned nothing else in my 48 years it’s when it’s comes to politics it’s that we’re ok with being screwed by our government as long as they have the right color of tie on. ?


Get the dumb bastard out of oval office. It would really help this country.


Politics is the new religion and the inquisition is at his peak shutting down heresy (freedom of speech) if it's not in line with it's beliefs. Like it or hate it but the reality is that we, as a community based on lack of beliefs, should recognize this pattern and stay away from it. Unfortunately we don't and the gap keeps getting bigger. We are right now at "My God (Red or Blue, doesn't matter) is the only one that must be believed or else". Enough with the finger pointing and move on, there are issues we all must work together.


One way is to stop talking about him and giving him the attention he craves. The downside to that is not highlighting to the world and the idiots the stuff he's doing. The asshole racist attracted the 40% of the U.S. that is apparently also of that ilk. I get your frustration and long for the country to at least get back to being civilized. My concern is that this jerk gets to be buried in Arlington

lerlo Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

@oops1951 really


Obama was a radical left wing racist SOB who brought about the rise of Trump. In my hometown people were so sick of the democrats Trump carried 87% of the vote and carried all 77 counties in my home state, most by a substantial margin!

How was Obama "radical", or "racist"??
He and his family faced unbelievable levels of disrespect, racism, and irrational hatred, all of which is documented. The "rise of" 45 was a direct result of the racism of his followers. Whether they admit it or not, whether they're even aware of it or not.
People chose to be deliberately ignorant of 45's lack of character and ability for the job. They pretended to be blind to the documented history of his adulthood and career. The hypocrites looked the other way regarding all his moral failings because of their greed, racism, and plain-old stupidity.

Quit blaming Obama for 45. The blame for 45 is on his idiot supporters, no one else. They let themselves be conned by him. If they weren't conned, they agree with him, and that's worse. They don't even have stupidity to blame, they're just as evil and vile as he is.

Trumper trollin'

In other words he was a black man

@Count_Viceroy I have no problems with black people. Judge Thomas is one of the best judges on the US Supreme Court.

@Trajan61 I think you're trying too hard

@oops1951 If you voted for Hillary your what’s wrong with this country.

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