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I was raised in a Christian family but it seemed to never rub off on me. I believe in evolution so I believe in certain pagan deities. I believe when you die your body is decomposed and then your genetic materials is a food for other life and that's how you reincarnate. I've been having such a hard time finding men who aren't religious and so I decided I'd try this website to make new friends and maybe find someone to settle down with.

Stefferz89 3 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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What an imagination........somewhere along the way, reality was lost.......


Your trolling has fooled all of these supposedly 'intelligent' people. I love it. Being an atheist doesn't guarantee you're not an idiot 🙂


Hello Stephanie,

You sound quite interesting. I am new to this website as well! Would you like to chat? I am currently in europe. Does this site offer private chat option?


It sounds crazy to some, but I believe this too.

If you've ever had déjà vu or have ever felt that you've "been here" or "I knew that was going to happen", then.... Well... yeah!

This will not come off "logical" to a lot of Christians or Atheists, but it does to me. (Minus believing in Pagan deities. I don't believe in that.)

Thank you for sharing.

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