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Someone needs to listen to Comey very carefully in this interview.

in a Capitol Hill interview Monday, former FBI director James Comey slammed the GOP for trading their commitment to the rule of law for Donald Trump.

Comey noted that he was once again interviewed by the outgoing Republican majority in the House of Representatives about Hillary Clinton and Christopher Steele’s damning dossier on Trump “while the president of the United States is lying about the FBI, attacking the FBI and attacking the rule of law of this country.”

“How does that make any sense at all?” he mused.

“Republicans used to understand that the actions of a president matter,” Comey told reporters. “The words of a president matter, the rule of law matters and the truth matters. Where are those Republicans today?”

“At some point, someone has to stand up and in the face of fear of Fox News, fear of their base, fear of mean tweets, stand up for the values of this country and not slink away into retirement, but stand up and speak the truth,” he added.


Direct Video link or look at it in the article above.

Lukian 8 Dec 17

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Nice. I think Comey realizes both parties are a mess it's just the gop is has way more indictments, convictions, confessions and jail sentences. I don't know if the dems are just better at not getting caught or just not as over the top corrupt.
Over all it is a good thing he did this interview.


To paraphrase what syndicated columnist Mark Shields recently said on the PBS Newshour, there is no Republican Party. There is a Party of Donald J. Trump.


He went off.


Good for him. I concur with Comey's conclusion.


The GOP is shameless. He's wasting his breath.

godef Level 7 Dec 17, 2018

Both parties are shameless. The Dems are just better at hiding it.

@Nottheonlyone Yet another shameless GOP response.

I'm not a republican, @godef.

@jorj No. Do not accuse the Dems as being as shameless as the GOP. This is nothing more than the GOP rationalization of their shamelessness that permits this to continue. SHAMELESS LIARS. Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina. Not to mention the GOP Senate and their suck-up to Twump. SHAMELESS.

@Nottheonlyone Yr certainly not a Dem.

@godef Blind faith serves no one.

@Nottheonlyone Tell that to Republican voters. Any faith attributed to Twump is blind as it is ignorant.

@godef I say it to everyone.

@Nottheonlyone Well then, it's useless.And spineless.

@godef It's true and universal. It applies to politics, religion, relationships...

But you've got your heels buried deep in what they've sold you. You've chosen your side. Anyone who disagrees with you is the enemy. And, if you read carefully, you'll see that I never disagreed with you. I simply cast a wider net.

@Nottheonlyone @jorj You are both flat wrong. You see the bullshit going on in Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina. Democrats have never done stuff like that. The GOP whines about non-existent voting fraud, and yet they are the ones who constantly gerrymander and do all they can to deny minority citizens of their right to vote. Whether you two admit you're GOP or not, it doesn't matter, because you certainly are useless apologists for them.

@Veteran229 Gerrymandering is shameless, and you sir, are another apologists.

@godef Our government is a duopoly, and both sides are in it for themselves. Yes, the Democrats use a kinder, gentler fucking of the people than the Republicans do, but neither "side" has clean hands. The military industrial complex profits no matter who is in charge. War mongering is prevalent on both sides. Tax reform, health care reform, government accountability, wage disparity... None of these things have changed drastically under either party. You can argue that Obamacare was a game changer, but it hasn't fundamentally changed the status quo. And when you consider he stole the entire idea from Mitt Romney, can you even call it a democratic win?

And I'll be the first to admit that Trump is the single most embarrassing thing that has happened in this country's politics in our entire short history as a nation, but if you think the Dems can save us, you've been indoctrinated. You are part of the divide that keeps the duopoly alive and thriving. Congratulations, you are part of the machine.

@Veteran229 There is no specific language in the Constitution that allows for gerrymandering. Rather, gerrymandering is an abuse of the intent of fair elections set forth in the constitution. Gerrymandering is cheating, and anyone who apologizes for this is probably also someone used to shamelessly cheating their way through life.

@Nottheonlyone I used to be a registered Republican until the 80s and I am now a Democrat, in part because I grew tired of the antics of the GOP. Like there are bad cops and bad judges, there are also bad Democrats and bad Republicans. That's true of any large, national body composed of millions. But I am drawing the line against any comparison that drags the Dems down to the shameless levels of the GOP.

@Veteran229 They got away with what they did in Wisconsin because of gerrymandering. The Demos actually won the popular vote by 10%, yet the GOP retained the power to shamelessly water down the legislative power of the governor and other key government positions. If you have no problem with this, then you are an apologist.

@godef All I'm saying is that the lesser of two evils is still evil. And both sides feed the machine.

You give the Dems to much credit. They are actually rather feckless and incompetent; not nearly as crafty and well-organized as the Republicans. That's why the Reps could gain control of all three branches of government with only a minority of the electorate backing them.

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