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Be nice to those people who bring your luggage out to you after the airline lost it okay? Had a phone interview this morning and was hired and began work this afternoon. I'm exhausted! lol So I am a part time contract/1099 courier for a courier service. Yes i've become the cliche....retired early and got bored. Did hospice volunteering for 3 years but needed a break. It helps that i love audio books and 90% of NPR programming!

sapiofile 5 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I was at the airport, waiting in line to retrieve a lost item. The woman ahead of me was trying to find her child’s stroller. The airline employee brought one out. She said “YES! That’s mine - I lost it the last time I flew. Now I need you to find the one that was lost today “🙂


It sounds great. It's good to keep busy. Good for your soul.

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