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Need a lesson in Street Smarts. It's time to reveal what I really am: an older woman, immigrant, over-educated but sorely lacking in street smarts and current lingo, living in the country. I read as many profiles and bios as I can, but have not been able to decipher what, exactly, is gender fluid. My gender is pretty much solid, maybe sagging a little from advanced olf age and much use, but it is not fluid. I am having all kinds of weird thoughts about that. I studied fluid mechanics as part of my engineering degree. That cannot be it. Please let me know what it means to you, since you are willing to date it/him/her.

Spinliesel 9 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I bought a used couch once that I suspect was contaminated with "gender fluids." Luckily, a little Fabreze set it right. 😉


Gender is a social construct. Sex is the genitalia you were born with.

@PalacinkyPDX Thank you for posting that. I've been thinking about the issue a lot lately, and this is another point of view to consider. It feels very thin, though, as far as evidence is concerned. I agree that testosterone and estrogen have affects on the brain and emotions, so yes, it not quite so simple.


That looks like the gender fluid equation to me.

that's what I thought, too, but it seems I was in the wrong world.

@Spinliesel I either think of that equation or something sticky


You are you and have little or limited ability to related with anyone else's psyche. Your ability is limited to what your imagination can tell you.


I think you sound like a wonderful, smart, and interesting person. If I wasn't madly in love, for the first time in decades, I would certainly contact you, now that I feel not alive with myself. That said, my best wishes and stay alert for well dressed strangers knocking at your door and offering salvation. I like to respond, I thought you said free salve. Actually since sticking a plastic Spiderman on my door window, the Jehovah's Witnesses have stopped visiting. He is a real super hero.

I am touched, Beowulfsfriend, and very happy for you. Sometimes, we should talk about Beowulf.



Gender Fluid is a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. A person who is Gender Fluid may always feel like a mix of the two traditional genders, but may feel more boy some days, and more girl other days.
Being Gender Fluid has nothing to do with which set of genitalia one has, nor their sexual orientation.

I so appreciate your reply, and for mentioning I should have thought to look there.. I decided to call genderfluid the Schrödinger Condition, that will fix it in my mind.

@Spinliesel After thinking about this, I have some questions, assuming the above description is correct:

Isn't that gender appropriation?

How does a boy know how a girl feels? And, how does a girl know how a boy feels?

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that someone who identifies as gender fluid is someone who sometimes feels like what they imagine the other "gender" feels?

And, the question of all questions: What does gender even mean these days? I guess it's a feeling or emotion?


I don't get it either.

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