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Howdy peeps, I’m really digging this community so far; finally a place where I don’t feel like an outcast & can express myself freely; finally people with some actual critical thinking skills instead of sheep floating away on the fluffy pink jesus cloud

mishw 6 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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It won't take long before you realize you're in an asylum here. So for security reasons: In the case of an emergency exits are located on this side
and once you get comfortable straight jackets are found this way
Oh and welcome, you can check-in anytime but you can also leave as well.


Glad you are enjoying the journey. Most of us are rational, critical thinking, fact over fiction folk but there are a few theists that leave their slime trail. Glad you are found this (for the most part) ration flotation raft that floats above the sea of irrational theists.


Some "Wars"(short lived) have begun,opinions and thoughts spark controversies,so dive in,the more you respond, the higher your levels will go.


Greeting and salutations. Please use your critical thinking here and augment the ideas, contribute to a variety of thought-provoking concepts.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


Welcome welcome!


Welcome to the monkey house. Jump in and hang on. And we also have a couple ringers in here, but we are pretty good at neutralizing them. πŸ€“


Howdy and welcome here.

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