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Daily funny

Don't get distracted while making yourself an omelet. (side note - last week before the snow storm I bought a gallon of sweet tea because I used all my pitchers for fresh water, in case the power went out.)
Bacon is prepared, nice & crispy. Getting ready to scramble the eggs for my yummy omelet - grab a jug out of the fridge and dump. Dang that milk is awfully dark - oh SH*T that's the tea! Stop pouring, grab milk - spend a few minutes laughing at myself. Oh well, not one to waste food. Scramble eggs up, toss in pan add some shredded cheese & the crispy bacon. Grab a plate, sit down. Mmm mmm oh dang sweet tea eggs are NOT good!

Heidi68 8 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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??? good for you not wasting food though.

Painful lesson.... ???


Wow that was quite an adventure

Welcome to my life ??

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