Why are you working 8 hours per day?
An interesting look at capitalism.
I am self-employed and have been so most of my life. Sometimes I work 4 hours a day, other times I work 16 hours per day. It depends on what I'm doing. Some of what I do has become boring, so I work less hours at it. Other things I love and can devote long hours to without even noticing it.
Just more Marxist drivel. One would think that the 100 million people murdered due to socialism would be enough, but it seems like there are enough foolish people for that total to advance to 200 million. Socialism requires coercion, and experience repeatedly teaches us that eventually leads to mass murder.
In his 1922 monograph "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis" Ludwig von Mises pointed out quite clearly that a socialist economy cannot accurately price capital goods. A free market is essential, as even the Chinese fascists would now concede. The government of a capitalist country can use taxation to redistribute wealth from the the rich to the less rich, but without a free market there will be very little wealth to redistribute.
Who are these people that always work 8 hour days? I don’t know anyone who does....most people I know work far more or far less than that depending on where they are in life.
I never want to work another eight hour shift in my life. I’d rather work a 12 or 16 and be done with it.
You are working 8 hours, getting vacations & benefits, due to UNIONS, that is, your father's & grandfathers endured a whole bunch of crap to be able to bargain for these things!
Yes! I've spent so much time in the past trying to persuade younger colleagues to join unions, but more often than not they'd say "but what do unions do, other than take money from me?"