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Soooo it's the xmas season...oh sorry, I misspelled it...Xmas. Have you stopped putting up decorations and such? Why?

Lop-Eared-Mule 7 Dec 23

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I used to love decorating for Xmas but now it seems pointless. It's inconsistent year to year depending whether I feel like putting decorations up or not. I didn't this year because I would be working through the holidays anyway. I decorated our office mostly for the clients' benefit.


Nah, why bother, for whom, not me, there is plenty of it around already, too much work, I rather read a book.


One day they all became just tacky gaudy eyesores.


I put my little tree up last week sans ornaments. My kids put the ornaments on yesterday and hung up the stockings. Not a lot of decorations, but it looks festive.

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