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Trump opened the door for the genocide of the Kurdish people. By precipitously pulling our troops out of Syria, he has opened the door for the Turkish and Syrian reprisal against the Kurds in their countries. Its sad, Erdogan calls and our president jumps. History will show that the Kurds were our ally and fought bravely with us in our war in Iraq. The U S was the bulwark against there complete and total annihilation. History will show how we abandoned them and opened the door to their genocide. Damn Trump and Rand Paul.

t1nick 8 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Explain why our brave men/women should be there instead of at a base at home and out of harms way? How many of your grandkids are active duty and would you have them volunteer to go there?
We have no business in Syria. Never did. It’s time we stay out of places we have no business being.

I understand your sentiments, but its an over simplistic wish. Unlike the isolationist tendecies of Trump and his followers, the world is much more complicated than y'all wish to admit. Just like in nature societies, economies, and peoples are interdependent. Despite what we would otherwise like it be.

@t1nick way to not answer my question. If you want us there, then either get the UN to ask us to go and/or volunteer Your family members to go. It’s easy to play with the lives of troops when they don’t mean anything to you. I’d also like to see the pics of you when YOU served? Do you have any?


Trump's behavior certainly makes it appear that he conspired with both the Russians and and the Turks. He is corrupt and treacherous enough to do it.

I'm not sure if its truly collusion. I think its even more simplistic than that. He is enamored with autocrats. He acquiesced just because Erdogan forcefully requested. He feels a need to please these other autocrats.


The Military has already said it will support the Kurds with air strikes and drones and besides that I don't think the Military will leave Syria, regardless of what they tell Trump, Obama never got GITMO to close down The US Military does what it wants.

"Last and hardly least, the U.S. is not closing down its military presence in Syria. It is digging in for an indefinite period, making Raqqa the equivalent of the Green Zone in Baghdad. By the official count, there are 503 U.S. troops stationed in the Islamic State’s former capital. Unofficially, according to The Washington Post and other press reports, the figure is closer to 4,000—twice the number that is supposed to represent a “full withdrawal” from Syrian soil."

cava Level 7 Dec 23, 2018

Any other time I would believe you. But Trump is so unpredictable that if Erdogan or Putin complained of our presence, he might withdraw them as well. Thanks for the inside information. Things I was unaware of. Thanks.


Is truly sad.

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