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Gilets Jaunes - Yellow Peril

Is France once more leading the way by coming up with a new model of revolution?

It is rather interesting to see how the MEDIA is desperately trying to catch up and finding out which way they have to spin the story.

A conga line of politicians and public intellectuals now squat on all the tv platform and regurgitate their opinions. Journalists essentially interviewing each other and trying to give the correct spin to the story.

VIOLENCE There is absolutely no doubt that the violent clashes draw the attention and finally make the royal leadership react.

The sad truth is it's the burning cars and the violent clashes with the uniformed lackeys of the royal court that attract attention. Squeaky wheel gets the oil

Before the 2nd Iraq war 600 000 - a staggering 2.5% of the entire Australian population - docile protesters marched quietly across the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Result: Australia sent its mercenaries, its commissioned killers to war in a country that hardly anyone in Australia would have been able to label on a blank map.

PontifexMarximus 8 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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