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It is an unconstitutional holy day. I am more enthused with this buying opportunity in the stock market this Commander in Chief has provided. I thought I would never see such a decline again. Disney perhaps?

Mooolah 8 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Good luck.
I was a financial advisor a few decades ago.
I think you're way early to be buying unless you're a trader.
If this rout turns into a crash I could take many years to get back to even.
The credit mkts dwarf the SM & that is where the real danger lies.

You are correct, sir. No blood in the streets yet.


Thank you for that perspective.


Tesla maybe, but the market may yet fall more. Tesla makes about half the lithium batteries in the world, and that part of its business is growing faster than others.

Correct. Just as Exxon/Mobil is far more than oil.

I only buy dividend paying stocks & "recession proof" stocks, outright. Tesla is a speculative stock relying on exotic metals from central Africa, a volatile area of the world. & it is still a vehicle with a prohibitive price for most..

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