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NY Times claims ‘Trump imperils planet’ with carbon emissions, but still plans own private jet use
By Thomas Lifson


"The New York Times loves to tell us the sacrifices we should make in the name of warmist predictions of doom, but wants to exempt itself and its wealthy readers from them when it comes to carbon generated by private jets."

"Private jets – the cherished perk of the ruling class -- may be the Achilles Heel of their campaign to control carbon emissions in the name of global warming. Make no mistake: the forces pushing carbon (and therefore energy use) regulation upon us are politically potent only because of the support of powerful interests who want all the sacrifices to come from the little people."

doug6352 7 Dec 28

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Yes we need clean water and clean air, and lots of CO2 in the clean air to help our plants grow in the new colder climate caused by lack of sunspot activity.

All the devout believers in global warming will eventually need to realize that the joke was on them.

And cigarettes are healthy for you. My doctor smokes them.

@greyeyed123 There actually is evidence that cigarettes are bad for your health. But there is no evidence that CO2 in the atmosphere causes catastrophic warming. CAGW is a refuted theory that is still seemingly alive purely due to massive political backing. It is what is known as "zombie science". []

@doug6352 Plenty of evidence cigarettes are great also.

Plenty of smokers will tell you they had a grandma who smoked her entire life and died at age 93. Case closed.

I'm going to rush out and start a bunch of fires right now. CHINESE HOAX! Clean air? Clean water? A stable climate? Pfft. Who needs it? A bunch of elite liberals in their jets, that's who!

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