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Russiagate, Memes and Pokemon Ads: Can Our “Democracy” be This Easily Subverted?


(After Americans wake up to the fact that Trump is no different than his predecessors, they will lurch back to another counterfeit social justice warrior who will perpetuate the status quo.)

In other words. We are stuck in a cycle in which at least around 52% of the voting population continues to participate in a broken system. Both establishment parties sharing around 26% each. In which these politicians together with the media successfully use perception management to keep them trapped in an illusion. An illusion of our politics and worldwide happenings. As the media drowns out any real sense of change and options with control of over 90% of ownership. Leaving actual facts and liable options hard to find unless one actual puts an effort into finding them via independent alternatives.

Such as the green party which was also a victim of their perception management in the 2016 election cycle. At an all time height of Independent voters, and republicans, wanting real change. I mention republican voters for the fact that as someone who was strongly advocating Sanders on social media, I encountered many republican voters who were voicing and looking for information on how to switch parties to vote for him. People who had been republicans for decades who no longer felt represented by that party. Do you need time for that to sink in? Republicans wanting to vote for a progressive candidate. Hard to believe many would say. And I'm talking about republicans well into mid life and beyond. Over the years, stirring off support for the green party didn't take much work. But in 2016 it became a major offensive full of false narratives and deceit. Amazing what one can create out of a few photographs with a false narrative. It even put all the other "nutty" accusations against Jill Stein on the back burner.

"Out Of The Illusion " Group

William_Mary 8 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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If you read the article it does make sense that we saw no great change in the status quo of our lives when Obama was president, whom I voted for. If you follow represent us you see the same thought that our government is bought and paid for at.every level. It just took someone like tRump to to put the lies out in the open. When I look at our local elections and we have one party running unopposed in most offices, it shows we really have no choice in who represents use.

We must get money out of politics and get more people involved in government. When just over 50% of the US population vote how can we say we are represented by majority rule. The manipulation of the parties to elect who they (the money) want elected. How can you get on a ballot if your not part of the system? We may have to destroy our country to take it back. I am plder and don't expect to see it happen, but what does that leave for our childern.

The party depends on the citizens to get on the ballot via signatures. Then once on the ballot it depends on your vote to reach a certain percentage to become a liable party, and be allowed in debates in the future. Rule changes have made it hard for a 3rd party to achieve this. And with the help of main stream media demonizing 3rd parties if they begin to get a strong backing is an agenda to keep them out. Along with denying them any coverage knowing they are working on grass roots support and limited money. But Sanders supporters showed that can be combated in 2016!

You're right on local elections. But is that because the incumbent managed to quell any attempt of opposition? And or your local citizens chose not to participate?

You're never going to get money out of the establishment electoral system. With every move advocates make to change laws they combat with new legislature. Recently having managed to allow foreign money into elections. They are doing everything to keep us from knowing who and how much money politicians are getting in campaign donations. Laundering it through PAC's and foundations.


"the fact that Trump is no different than his predecessors" -- stopped reading there. Go get a clue!

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