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What the religious doesn’t understand that all of us would believe if the real God just showed up. We know that’s not going to happen.

Charliesey 7 Dec 30

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And what they don't understand is that showing up and being believable would only be one step toward what believers think they want. The existence of god and the worthiness of his claims (if any) on us would be separate issues. If the deity demanded worship / fealty after the fashion of primitive human concepts of government from thousands of years ago, it would be highly unlikely to be worthy of people acceding to those demands. If the deity were the sort of toxic, hateful being depicted in most holy books, it would most certainly not receive the genuine worship it craved, just as autocrats and sociopaths don't get genuine respect.


What has “showed up” is an unfathomablly miraculous Nature that somehow sprang into existence by herself and created certain unbreakable laws She brought life into existence, and is awash with conscious awareness.

There’s no need to ask that gods manifest themselves. What is already manifest takes the cake.


Ever !!!


I hope she brings next week's lotto numbers


I always liked that old joke, "Jesus is coming, so look busy....and boy is he pissed off!".

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