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In other news, I was in a fight with an aluminum can today. After at least 3 minutes, I was victorious.

RezZa 5 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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You made me laugh; thank you.

Reminds me of when I first pierced my tongue. I had eaten a caramel candy (super sticky) on the elevator ride back to my office. It was just then I learned tongue rings will stick for hours until you finally manage to drink every hot beverage in an effort to melt it off. I had to answer the phone sounding like Jabba the Hut's special needs take your kid to work day pity invite. My boss laughed herself into a coughing fit.

Hahaha. That's great and it makes me all warm and fuzzy to know I made someone laugh. XD

I never was brave enough for the tongue even though I have 8 between my face and neck.


You may want to reconsider your beverage container choices or remove the pull tabs.

JimG Level 8 Dec 31, 2018

It is about the they say. 🙂


Reminds me of the Red Bull incident of twenty minutes ago. Those of us with septum rings know the struggle is real.

I'm glad someone can relate. Haha XD. The best is my nostril ring and septum ring decide to wrestle.

@RezZa Been there! I can totally relate! Happens at least once a week for me LOL

@Kafir Its always something. Blanket, shirt, my doorway curtain -_-

@RezZa it might be time to switch to a captive bead ring or a seamless bead ring! lol BTW, THAT IS A FANTASTIC PIC!

@Kafir Its not the one I wanted, Haha. I have one that makes me giggle where my shirt was stuck to it. But yea. Obviously happens all the time. Not sure why I feel the need to document it. Lmao

@RezZa I want to see that album!


How many rounds until the match is over.

The fight never ends..


A win is still a win..


Those aluminium can are tough bastards

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