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Religion versus Science . . .

THHA 7 Jan 1

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BLASPHEMY!!! No salvation for you for a month!!! Now go to bed! ... and don't forget to say your prayers.


Excellent commentary...

Cute little she your grand daughter?

Actually no, it was posted on Facebook, I really liked it so I posted it here.

Ok @thha


The left side is fundamentalist / literalist religion. The right side is a combination of science and either humanism or liberal religion, actually. Science doesn't prove she's beautiful for example. And while science can produce wonder and particular scientists (Carl Sagan comes to mind) can be filled with wonder by contemplating science, science does not demonstrate that this particular little girl is "full of wonder".

Not sure you have been around many children . . . .

@THHA I've raised four. It's not an issue of understanding children or what I think about them. I'm commenting on the placard's contention that religion is uniformly toxic and that science addresses all the bullet points on the right.

Analyze it to hell and gone all you want, what do I care, the underlying message is clear. Perhaps you have not seen my very last post yet.

@THHA (backs slowly away) okay, okay, it's delightful and inspiring and heartwarming. Didn't say it wasn't. Just made the mistake of sharing my thoughts. It wasn't meant to make the wheels come off your train.

No wheels coming off this train, I am not that thin-skinned.

Thanks for saying carefully what I was too lazy to articulate.


Looks like somebody doesn’t know much about either.

skado Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

Someone posted it with a specific religion in mind . . . . but someone else is free to take it as they like.

Thanks. I was speaking about the indoctrinator of the poster-holding child's mind; not the poster of the photo.

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