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Been busy for a while now. There is another year gone. well it ended. Glad last holiday is over get tired of seeing all the stuff in stores..

Icewolf13 5 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Finally! Someone that feels similar as I do about the holidays.

I lost my zeal years ago for a combination of reasons such as funerals of close family members on christmas fucking eve and a lifetime of being in retail so I have a front row seat to the spectacle of consumerism and manipulation.

That adage about the season bringing out the best in people may be true but my experience has been that it brings out the worst in people.

I make an effort for my grandchildren who are aging out of it themselves. In five years the youngest will be in college and I likely won't make any effort.

I'm not sad about it, I just do not see or feel the magic

I hate fact to family does not understand my beliefs or how i feel


Yes., I know what you mean. What have you been doing, being so busy?

Working on a old house, working a job and looking for something new


Ah, there's that ray of Sunshine we've been missing... lol

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