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It seems like these days people on here are more interested in posting and browsing than inboxing each other for dates. Why is that?????

Greg89 5 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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How do you know this about everyone ?


Isn't that how you get to know if you'd want to date someone? Reading their posts?


Some of us are not here for dating. Please read the profiles and find out. Then there won't be any disappointment.


Because, even if dating is an objective, one can get valuable insight to how another ticks by interacting with them over various topics...

Zster Level 8 Feb 17, 2018

It's a community first , with a dating app. Not the other way around .

Dougy Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

Thank you for validating how I relied to another thread! (;

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