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How to Start Mass Murder and Promote Capitalism.

  1. Send CIA and covert funding to radical groups within the country.
  2. Start a propaganda campaign against the country.
  3. Accuse the leader of being a dictator and madman.
  4. Claim that the leader is massacring his own people.
  5. Claim the terrorists the US funded / imported are legitimate rebels.
  6. Bomb them, torture them, kill them, create refuges from here to hell and gone.
  7. Take over their whole economy, set up a US-style banking system.
  8. Claim that Capitalism is the only system that succeeds while destroying their system.
  9. Establish military bases.
  10. Plant a puppet leader and government.
  11. Leave the country in shambles, and claim it is due to failure of their non-capitalist system.
THHA 7 Jan 2

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Been seeing this my entire life........just disgusting!

Probably won't see any changes anytime soon.

@jlynn37 indeed, cannot even think how one would organize a protest, it's so pervasive.

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