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Not feeling suicidal over the seasonal period but hoping to just expire at times.

Melmoth 5 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I do not have a death wish but I pretty much feel the same way. I am ready to go on the day of my demise whenever that may be.

Perhaps it is to do with age, having had enough of suffering and seeing suffering, so as a result, I would not fight any serious health issue for instance.


Chin up dude! That's what my granddaughter calls me. Pain sucks...any kind. Be strong.

The pain I felt was the pain of another and was at a loss of what to do, still am.


I'm in the warm sunshine but think I know what you mean.
There are times when I feel that I'm past my 'good till date'.

I was in a very depressing situation over the seasonal period and naturally expiring seemed very appealing.

@PaulHughes ,
Problem is that there are a lot of unpleasant ways to expire. Not too many go quickly & easily.
I sometimes think maybe I should quit while I'm ahead of the game, so to speak.

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