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Worthless POS

jerry99 8 Jan 5

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I see a certain nearly-incomprehensible post appears to be gone.


And he always sits like he's on the toilet.


Is that what is going through his head while sitting and thinking about Obama? ???

He was always woefully jealous of that man.

I bet it was.

@Green_eyes Why would he be jealous of that incompetent racist left wing piece of crap!

@Trajan61 he’s educated, has proficient use of the English language, has a successful marriage. Is popular the world over and pulled America out of of of a terrible recession. Trumpski has been riding on his coattails with his criminal family ever since. If you don’t want to see reality.. that’s on you. You can call names all you want. Just shows your lack of education.

@Morganfreeman since not a single person can ever remember seeing your president at his school. We can only assume he lied about that as well. I have two degrees, that’s two more than he earned.

@Morganfreeman No one is named "Killary," blonde or otherwise. It's not a name. Though I do have a friend named Killian.
Atrocities committed in North Korea by order of Kim Jung-un would likely make him responsible for the most deaths in the 21st century. Perhaps that's why Trump "fell in love" with him.

@Morganfreeman trumpski is already responsible for two children’s deaths within the past month. The world is watching as he continues to murder children.


The crazy thing is that millions of voters purchased Trump's BS sales pitch.

I guess your one of the millions who purchased Obama and Hillary’s BS.

Bernie Sanders is my choice. @Trajan61

@nicknotes I voted for Trump in 2016 and will do so again in 2020. I’ll never vote for a democrat as I appose big government strongly and would like to keep as much as my hard earned money as possible rather than give it to the fucking government.

Have you noticed what Trump did to the deficit? @Trajan61

@nicknotes Obama doubles it so I don’t think any of the democrats would do any better.

When Obama became President the economy was in had to be spent to save the economy and the nation. Trump inherited a good economy and has proceeded to destroy it. @Trajan61

@nicknotes Obama was a regulation nut who hurt the economy with his idiotic regulations. I’m sure the economy will do fine under Trump as he has recinded a lot of Obama’s burdensome reg’s

Most of the regulations protected the environment. @Trajan61

@nicknotes But at to high a cost.


No Sex...

He IS fucking an entire country. 🙂

@Sticks48 Different meaning of the word...ha ha ha...his little mushroom is shriveling up from non-use...

@thinktwice I can relate to that! 🙂

I think it means less sex for everyohne, as just the thought of him in any context makes me lose all interest in sex. I'd bet this describes how it is for many others too.

@snytiger6 lol Stop thinking of him...take a break...he is not worth your sex life!

@Morganfreeman No expertise needed since I am hypothetically replying to the meme, which also may contain some good guesses...but you can oblige if you would like...I have been repulsed by him since 1979.

@Morganfreeman You make no sense whatsoever...assume what you opinions are of no value to me...

@thinktwice If my theory holds true it woudl mean a reduction in population growth, which the world kind of needs. Geeez that is really twisted optimism....

@snytiger6 Well, I think those of us who are beyond reproductive years don't fit into that category...I would prefer just not thinking of him as any kind of human let alone a sexual one...ick...ha ha


Why would any dog stay with a piece of s..t!

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