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NAACP blames 'white supremacy' for Portland earthquake signs [] via @washtimes

Charliesey 7 Jan 6

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Ridiculous.. Those structures are found throughout Portland, and they’ve long been a money-sink when retrofitting to modern building standards. It’s why the Blitz Brewery was demolished.

So, which minority group has been targeted up and down the Oregon Coast as the mandatory ‘Sunami Warning’ and ‘Evacuation Route’ signs have gone up?

If the NAACP is that hard up for an oppressor … maybe they’d best look South..

Varn Level 8 Jan 6, 2019

I can't say I disagree with the NAACP given from situations I have seen in the past where some neighborhoods become more desirable as property value rise elsewhere in a city. We all know racism is alive and well in this country and poorer or really poor black neighbors get little or no help from banks and redevelopment programs. Below is a link to an article from another group that I found very interesting James Baldwins speech is moving.


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