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I was raised atheist, and really never even knew about God until I met a kid in my first grade class who was from a religious family.

My mother explained the general story of Christianity to me, and even bought me a children's bible with pictures in it so I could read it for myself. I thought it was a great story, but I never believed it to be true.

I was never told to "not believe in God". "God" was just never mentioned in my family. I was baptised, but that was just explained as a "tradition thing" by my mother.

When I visited the U.S. a few years ago (I'm from Sweden), and made friends with some Americans I began to take interest in American religiosity, and was baffled and horrified when I realised how many of them believed in creationism, angels, Noah's Ark etc.

I would just like to introduce myself to you guys, and I would love to have conversations with some of you to learn about your stories and to get a deeper understanding of your religious backgrounds and I hope to be able to be of some help to some of you.

Hope you have a great day.

All the best,

BornAtheist 4 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I have no idea how people could think the flood is legit. or creationism. i knew those were wrong before i knew what they were


Welcome. I think we have a lot in common, so I won't have many interesting stories.
A good day to you as well.


I was ember raised super religious as my mom was the one who went to church for the most part and my dad very rarely went. Although Christmas was a pagan holiday, we mostly celebrated it as pretty much a way to spend time with family and take a break out of mundane life.


I was in a christian cult.

That must have been rough especially getting out

@Marysmihula It was torture having to learn how to navigate through the real world.


Thanks for sharing Jasper! I find it so fascinating to meet someone raised so very differently. As an African American, my upbringing was one that presupposed some level of religiousosity in everyone you met. I was in middle school before I met an agnostic and was grown before it occurred to me that I had a choice about what I believed. The more I interact with people from around the world, I come to realize that more and more this seems to be a truly American peculiarity.

Essie Level 6 Jan 7, 2019

I'd say from my experience that the U.S. and the Middle East are the places where religion is the most of a "duh" position.

They U.S. is so heavily influenced by the evangelical movement that it doesn't pass anyone by. They turned out in droves to vote for Trump and can basically help swing an election. It's crazy that the country with THE FIRST SECULAR CONSTITUTION can be so heavily affected by religion...

Hope you have a great day!

Hi Essie, can confirm BecB's comments. Growing up in New Zealand, (Across the ditch from Australia, gidday how's it going) religion wasn't discussed that much at home and in the wider community. Have a whole branch of the family who is Roman Catholic, it was never seen as an issue even worthy of comment during my formative years. I was in my late teens before I independently understood the implications of this.


Hello and welcome Jesper, I was raised knowing of God and had friends that were very religious or not at all. Religion was never taught or discussed when I grew up not even by members of the family that did attend church regularly. It was never used as a means to intimidate me or put fear in me either. Over the years I have learned so much of how people all over the world have suffered or witnessed it myself. I cannot in my right mind imagine a God picking and choosing who should or should not have prayers answered or get a miracle. It all seems so impossible to believe. How can so many people believe in something no one can see just because you are told you should or because its written in a book. Out of fear I suppose, of being wrong and ending up burning in hell, everyone goes along with it. I believe organized religion has been used for centuries as a means to control people using fear and to build wealth in the church by requiring the giving of money every week. Today I also see it as an excuse to be judgmental and hypocritical of others and an easy excuse out of responsibility. I tire of hearing people say to pray about it, put it in Gods hands. Personally, I would rather figure out a solution to the problem, if possible. I feel saying that lets you off the hook so to speak. I am so happy to find this website. I can finally speak freely about how I feel about these things. I find it's best to never let anyone know you have any doubts about God, unless they say it first. My mother married a Baptist man and now all they do is talk about how terrible other people are. From what they wear to if they have a drink in a restaurant with dinner and if they pray harder than another religion. Its nuts! I can’t even stand to visit with them anymore. She is nothing like the mother I grew up with. I agree with the other comment, my mother hates that I will not tell her to her face that I believe in the same things she does. I finally had to tell her that if she continued to harass me about these issues that we could no longer have a relationship because I felt that she was always judging me. I know she still does, but at least she keeps it to herself now. But it hurts to know your own mother thinks you will go to Hell! Its awful. I envy you that you grew up without this kind of conflict in your life. Its almost stupid when you think about it. My mom is taking the word of total strangers that I am bad because I don’t believe in a book of stories and that she is to ensure I am saved (by them of course) because that’s her job now.
Oh My Gosh it’s all too much Ridiculousness!
Best to You ALso,


G'day and glad to meet you.


Welcome! And i will be the first to tell you how envious i am of you! I was born into a southern baptist christian family and these stories are regarded as FACT. In fact, anyone who does not believe in these stories is seen as evil, ammoral and are generally shunned. Being an african american can make it worse as christianity is often very intertwined in the culture itself. It has taken me many years to reprogram my mind from the dogma of my youth. I still have some scars

My understanding and compassion goes to you, I too bear the emotional scars of being forced into religion BUT I escaped early by simply asking questions and actually getting expelled, often most forcibly from Sunday Schools.

@Triphid I hear that. Questioning religious teachings is definitely frowned upon. The fact that they don't want their beliefs questioned makes me question even more

@Tutankhamun Oh yes, that is so true and they do get quite upset and annoyed when asked questions that do not fit in nice and neat within their very narrow views.

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