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Bone head question: where do I see my block list? I'm not in the habit of blocking but someone seems to be blocked by me and I want to see...

TheMiddleWay 8 Jan 7

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On a computer simply click the gear icon next to the bell/alert icon. When you open that click the tab that says blocks.


I ended up having been blocked by a couple of people who didn't know about it, and evidently hadn't intended to. So there is either a bug or a propensity for some fat-fingers shenanigans. Not sure which....


Simplest thing is to Browse the other user by username. If you can't view them at all they blocked you. If you can view them it will display if you have them blocked. Your complete blocked list is in Profile/Edit Profile/Blocked

@TheMiddleWay If you click on Profile and then Edit Profile, the rightmost tab on the top of the screen will list the number of users you have blocked. If the number is greater than zero you can click on that tab and see who they are.

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