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1 million+ former felons in Florida can now vote. In news of immense importance to the political landscape of the US, nearly 1.4 million felons who have served their sentences will be able to vote. A proposition in the 2018 election overturned a long-standing law which (unconstitutionally) permanently stripped the right to vote from any felons. Given the demographics of this population and the razor thin election results in Florida, this could have a profound impact on the election outcomes both within state and federal elections. []

PalacinkyPDX 8 Jan 8

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Many of those felons were in for possession of pot, crimes of passion, etc.
How about we suspend the voting rights of corrupt politicians & entitied thieves posing as leaders of industry and do Our country some good!


Florida needed to catch up to most of the other states...this will be interesting to follow...

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