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Are the majority of people really that obtuse and is higher education just a form of indoctrination of the professors brainwashed learning? Are their educators who really want to teach and are there students who really want to learn and not just cut and paste for that little piece of paper?

kiki59 1 Jan 8

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Initially, the higher education system was aimed specifically at teaching specific skills that were difficult, unreliable, or even unethical to master independently. Over time, higher education began to cover a wider range of activities and spread to professions that previously did not require higher education. I did not go to university to get higher education; I chose to study at []. In my opinion, it is much better and less time-consuming to study.


It’s a mix of both. There are some brilliant, deeply aware professors who see their mission as that of awakening their students.

My very worst teacher was a rabid atheist who saw his role as that of bludgeoning the students into agreement with his opinions. No dissent was tolerated, and the course subject matter was totally neglected to make time for his long emotional tirades.


So did you believe everything you learned at school no matter if it is in Primary, Secondary or University?


the majority of people are obtuse. higher education is NOT a form of indoctrination. if it was, college would be free for all. this is a republican talking point and a lie. higher education can be good or bad depending on the individuals involved, but there is no big ol' plan to brainwash everyone through higher education. quite the opposite. exception: christian universities. those are definitely into brainwashing. and by the way, i am a retired educator and yes i wanted students to learn not WHAT to think but HOW to think, and worked my ass off toward that end.


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