Check out this article from USA TODAY:
President Trump says he's cutting off FEMA money for California fires
California is not a state he should be fucking with. They will sue his ass and have a lot of clout. FEMA has zero right to withhold any legitimate funds from them. trump made himself look stupid when he went to CA and suggested the solution to fires was to rake the leaves more thoroughly. What an out of touch moron.
I also don't see any way this would withstand the inevitable court challenge. CA pays a huge amount of taxes.
The geriatric toddler is putting lives in jeopardy out of sheer spite.
I heard about this on NPR. Trump says tha tCalifornia mismanages its forests. However he has also been told repeatedly that over half of Clifornia's forests are on Federal lands and under federal jurisdiction. His is tryuign to create a distraction form teh shut down, and also beign very petty by striking otu at a state which mostly hates him.
No matter what you tell him he will twist it.
Absolutely !!