Facebook Banned me for 30 days for commenting White Trash in regards to this Article - [dailymail.co.uk]
This Story was all over the Internet from Various sources but apparently a Trump supporter or a racist used the opportunity to report liberal replies on the link and the Facebook mindless algorithm simply banned on basis of a racial slur not analyzing content or context or at least thats what I think happened
As they should. Hate speech is hate speech.
To ask yourself if something is appropriate ....think, would it be "ok" to say this about ANY race?
So, if you wrote "Black Trash" or "Asian Trash" would that be acceptable?
You could have just said you concurred that the woman in the news story acted in a racist manner....but, instead, so DID YOU.
@Veteran229 right? It's like he wants people to applaud him for making a racist statement in retaliation to racism. Because, two wrongs make a right?
@David_Cooper so your argument is that it's ok to be racist as long as you are racist against your own race? are you serious?
Where do people that are 1/2 two different races fall? Do you believe they can then be racist against both races whose blood they share? So, for example, if President Obama had called someone "white trash" would it have been ok since he's 1/2 white? And, if, let's say, Meghan Markle called someone the "n" word or even "black trash", would it be ok since she's half black? Is it ok if she's calls her dad "white trash"?
I can't wait to hear what type of racist speech you believe a person who is 1/4 white, 1/4 black, 1/4 Asian, and 1/4 Native American is entitled to make. By your reasoning, they have the right insult just about everyone with racist slurs.
@David_Cooper Its not in fact i spoke out against racism but, my post was likely reported by a racist and the Facebook Algorithm hit a false positive and with humans verifying reports and currently no way of contesting reports I was banned
Trump supporter Much? How the hell is that Hate Speech? I simply stated a fact
I'm thinking you got banned for more than commenting "white trash". Don't think, by itself, that that is enough to get banned.
Seems flimsy as far as reasons for banning. Seems more like part of a reason, such as a pattern of behavior type thing.
AND You'd be wrong the Facebook Algorithm is a mess - so basically I commented White Trash have been empowered by Trump, and then a White supremacist reports the post and the algorithm got a false positive and I was banned
@Ormonddude You got reported. They investigate reports. That takes time.
@david75090 Well its past 15 days and sort of ruined my holidays because I have a lot friends posting Holiday wishes and couldn't reply and when I try to contest it (there's a pop up that says if we made a mistake please tell us (link) the link opens and then it doesn't except the explanation but replies (Try again later) well I have been trying again for 19 days - Facebook has a issue
@Ormonddude Yeah. A lot of their automatic things are screwed up. Someone complained and you got "in the system". Probably no humans involved.
Your comment sounded spot on to me.
I am pretty sure the alt right used the opportunity to report liberal comments