Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Correct the root cause of the problem. Most overdose deaths are caused by drugs supplied by criminals and lacking quality control.
Legalized, available over the counter, quality controlled opioids will end the overdose epidemic. Most users of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine remain productive, well-adjusted law-abiding citizens. Without prohibition, most users of "recreational" pharmaceuticals would be the same. There are hundreds of thousands of respectable professionals, politicians and middle class citizens who are regular users, without serious problems (as long as they avoid detection by law enforcement).
Allow addicts to retain some self respect, and give them a fighting chance to kick their addiction. Reduce the prison population and save billions of tax-payer dollars. Remove the revenue stream from the criminals. End drug-related gang violence. Allow law enforcement to focus on their primary function of protecting citizens.
Have you seen Murder Mountain, currently available on Netflix? It has to do with a long standing community of marijuana growers in Northern California. Now that marijuana is legal in Cali, some farmers are trying to make it in the white market but they will probably wind up losing out to large corporations who are more adept at dealing with regulations and have deeper capital pockets. That seems to me to be a very real problem that will occur wherever the stuff is legalized.
Another problem, at least for that area, is there is still a very strong "outlaw" culture. Unsolved missing people and murder cases abound up there, not to mention regular violence and robbery that goes with the trade. And this is just marijuana.
I agree that legalization is the best route, and the very first thing we need to do is let those poor people out of prison who are there for drug offenses. But I think there may always be an underground trade.
There are always problems to workout. Stuff happens. If I can grow my own then that is all I need. Others need other things. Like amnesty for non violent stoners as you said.
Many over doses result from being clean for some months, then doing a "one time hit" with a dosage at which they quit. The tolerance has been reduced by the sobering, & the overdose comes as a result.
The residual effects on those surrounding the addict lost is a lifetime of agony. These folks are victims also & the effects ripple throughout the nation & our lives.
Good points.
This is true regardless of the source of the drug. I agree with OP that legalization could be helpful in many ways. I'd rather the focus be on education and support rather than punishment.