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A new hobby. Kite Aerial Photography. This it the lighthouse at “Egmond aan Zee”, a small village at sea near where I live. Made with a GoPro hanging on the line of my kite.

Rienkipienk 4 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I’m glad you didn’t post it ‘in a group,’ I’d not have enjoyed it! This is the first I’ve heard, or saw of kites being used as ‘the vehicle.’ I’ve sure been enjoying some amazing Drone flight videos ...especially in 4K!

Varn Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Haha, then enjoy this one! My very first flight. Line broke loose. Spectacular footage, totally not stabilized whatsoever.

@Rienkipienk What a ride 😀 ...I was either getting sea sick - or air sick!


I thought I posted this in a group..... ah, never mind.

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