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Does Sarah Huckabee Sanders Have Any Close Friends?

Dylan1983 5 Jan 12

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It's irrelevant whether she does or does not. I don't care.

What I DO care about is her complete lack of conscience.
What I DO care about is how easy it is for her to lie to the American People,
every day, with no compunction whatsoever.
Her lies do not give her pause. She has no problem repeating her lies to
anyone who asks, and even those who don't.
I hope, when she is finally out of this job, that she never finds another in the
same area. Actually, the ONLY job I hope she can find is working at


Probably not. Most people hate being lied to.


Probably not. It looks like she eats off of other peoples plates.

I shouldn't have laughed at that, but I did.

@KKGator I probably shouldn't have gone there, but l did.


I despise SHS and the lies she tells the American people, but as someone who also doesn't have any close friends, it makes me sad that someone would write an article about her like this. 😟


I wouldn’t think so. She doesn’t look like any fun to hang out with and she’ll obviously lie to you all the time. Who wants an untrustworthy friend?

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