A little insight on ghosts and paranormal tv:
I was a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator for over 10 years. I visited many well-known haunted places across America. Being a skeptic, I wanted to see the truth behind the pseudo-science. I investigated hundreds of places claimed to be haunted. I never saw proof of anything paranormal. Even so, I continued my hobby with many different people all with different beliefs. What I noticed with most people is that anything they can't explain had to be paranormal. Sure...I heard noises, took odd photos, and even recorded evps. But to me, this proved nothing. I never saw a ghost. I was never touched by an unknown entity. I even attended a couple exorcisms mostly involving children and the family's priest. After seeing such things in real life...not tv, I was angered often. I didn't see a child being possessed by demons. I saw children needing medical help. But due to the families belief in religion and Satan, they believed the best thing to do was to purge the demons from them. Sadly, one child did end up committing suicide due to depression. I can only imagine if he was given proper medical care. This brings me to paranormal tv shows. I was a part of a few different big named ones that don't deserve mentioning. Everything you see is fake. It's all a set up. These shows must create entertainment to get viewers. More viewers...more episodes...more money. And don't let them lie to you, it's all about the money. One show I did completely changed the facts to literally create a story that never existed. So please, when watching shows like this, please understand it's all entertainment and the stars of the shows are usually huge dirtbags that try their best to make you believe in their bullshit. What they show may not be real, but their paychecks definitely are.
I was a member of a paranormal group for a short time in the Orlando, Fl area but was kicked out for being a pain in the ass because I kept "arguing" with the oh so vaulted leader. It started over a new member that didn't think to take water on the outing and he was talking shit about her. .. I said as the experienced leader, he should have at least told her to take water.
He went by LordOfThyNight or something like that.
Two outings come to mind. On one, I picked up a palm frond and did an impromptu reenaction of David Lee Roth's "aint got nobody" and the evp spiked which according to him meant the ghosts liked my singing and dancing. They also thought gator bellows were ghosts.
The other was that hill where you roll uphill. I told everyone to look at the curb. Am I seriously the only one that noticed that? Don't they all fucking drive on roads and shit?
I admit that once I pissed him off, I may have become more annoying which ultimately resulted in my ouster.
He was always asking for money and donations of "supplies"
@ClintF There was a group that he had a rivalry with that was much better organized and funded. It was west of his group and that could have been them. I can't see how they would have considered him a rival though lol
He was not good at hiding how much he disliked them although he tried to.We ran into them at a convenience store and I recall a SUV with their agency info on it and a blond girl. I guess she would be about 45 now.
They were all tricked out with all the doo dads and Lordofthynight was visibly envious
I can't keep a straight face with that damn name of his
In Britain, those ghost hunter shows must be preceded by a brief disclaimer stating that they are for entertainment only and do not depict real events.
There was an interesting episode of Most Haunted in which a sceptic pretending to be a psychic exposed the fraud... er, I mean medium... Derek Acorah, by inventing some ghosts with names that were anagrams of phrases such as "Derek Lies" and "Derek the Fake" - Acorah promptly "made contact" with these supposed ghosts and conversed with them on camera, before being exposed.