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This is my first post here. I'm here because I'm sick of Facebook where they don't understand that no one is coming to help humanity, not Gods nor Aliens, it's up to us to care for ourselves and our world.

Novelty 8 Nov 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome! I wish fb was a bit less religious and political. You know like with adult humor or more intimate conversations.... they should be taken to private rooms. Not saying you can't be who you are but you don't have to shove that stuff down people's throats.

DeiP Level 5 Nov 3, 2017

FB is pretty nauseating. I'm in a community that is comprised of a lot of right leaning religious types thus I have to censor most of my views, unfortunately there's no leaving so long as I'm involved in the hobby of showing dogs... I do miss pre- FB days.


Welcome. We couldn't be more screwed. Fb i use for friends to keep in touch primarily. The feed is garbage. Some secular groups i enjoy but yeah, i agree.


I find FB to be a useful medium for keeping in touch with friends and associates, but little other than that.


Welcome aboard Morty!

I agree that we aren't going to get any outside help taking care of our planet. Some of our leaders act like we have another Earth to hop over to if this one goes bad.
As far as FB is concerned, I like to keep in touch with a few friends from back home, and read about what's going on there.


I've cultivated my FB friends so that most of them are free thinkers. I have lots of friends on there and we enjoy each other's post. On other pages, the religious bullshit is overwhelming.


I got tired of Facebook too. i find the questions and answers here much more interesting to read.

However, it is not everyone on Facebook,but rather generally those who spend the most time on Facebook, because they san ffind so many other who seem to share their views, when in fact the number is pretty small, but because they log on so often, it only seems liek their views are largely supported.

There are atheist/agnostic groups on Facebook too.

But, yeah, I am kind of sick of those idiots who think it doesn't matter if we destroy the planet because Jesus will come with the rapture and save everyone. They primarily believe that because it requires no effort or sacrifice on their part to try to make things better. They may talk about "taking personal responsibility for YOUR life", but won't take reponsibility for their own lives and the impact their behavior has.

The atheist groups (most of them) have been infiltrated with religionists, and the admins keep them on. Many Muslims are sabotaging the groups. A group called Sexy Atheists has good memes and news information.


Agreed. It is time to face reality and try to do something about it.


I've never gone on social media until now exactly for those reasons, plus all the fake news and second hand bad information fb spews. Welcome to the real world.


Welcome to reality, I too came here because I was sick of fb. It is like religion with zuckerberg as god, he created it and and can see into every ones life, who need it to give them meaning.


Welcome. I'm also tired of Facebook and think this is better. I hope it catches on. Have fun.


Welcome. Imagine how much better this world would be if the majority of people understood this. Think of all the energy that has been wasted on waiting for help from a god or fearing that god's punishment. Try not to think on it too much, though, as it is too depressing.

It's too depressing. We are so screwed.

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