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Romanian Culture Day. Birthday of the great Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889). #OTD #BOTD #poetry #romanticism #philosophy #jurnalism #politics #greatfuture #romania #terra #earth
On the Romanian people (and why not on any other Terrian people): "I love this good, gentle, humane people, on whose backs the diplomats cut maps and wars, they paint kingdoms about which it does not even think ... On its front the strangers write conspiracies and alliances, on his account grandiose revolutions are tailored ..." - Mihai Eminescu, Works, Vol. IX, Romanian Academy Publishing House, 1980, p. 488
„Iubesc acest popor bun, blând, omenos, pe spatele căruia diplomaţii croiesc carte şi răzbele, zugrăvesc împărăţii despre care lui nici prin gând nu-i trece… Pe fruntea lui străinii scriu conspiraţiuni şi alianţe, pe seama lui se croiesc revoluţiuni grandioase…” – Mihai Eminescu, Opere, Vol IX, Editura Academiei Române, 1980, p. 488

. English translation of the poems put on music above: []eminescu-de-ce-nu-mi-vii - Why Don’t You Come? [] - One Wish Alone Have I
tipi 7 Jan 15

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