Climate change. Deniers of anthropomorphic climate change should be made to read Peter Brannen's book "The ends of the world" He describes in fascinating detail the five great species extinctions in the history of the planet and only the last one when the dinosaurs went extinct was caused by a meteor hitting earth. The earlier ones were caused by disruption to the carbon cycle. Too much carbon dioxide causing overheating or too little causing an ice age.
We are currently pumping 40 gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year so it is possible that the next great extinction may include homo sapiens.
Yes, and/or, if you're more of a video person than a reader, watch potholer54's videos where he debunks / eviscerates all of the pseudo-science and non-science claims of the deniers. The right is as dead wrong on climate as the left is on gun & crime policy.
Too much climate change too quickly. Not enough time to adapt.
I don't think it's possible, I think it's probable.