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What's up with Gilmore Girls. My 12yo is addicted to it. Should I be worried?

AlexRam 7 Jan 16

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She's safe. She can handle it. But you are vulnerable, dude.

But don't watch it with her or your find yourself craving long intimate conversations, big sweaters and large cups of coffee.


Nope - it’s a good show. Very girl power. Nothing TOO advanced for a preteen.


I use to watch it... It's a good show. I'd be more worried about her being out and about and unruly than her watching The Gilmore Girls. It's okay, Dad. ?

Btw... I'm a jeep girl. ?

@SleeplessInTexas Wow there are some on here! Nice to meet you. JK?


Thanks for all your comments!


My daughter loved it too, and rather than attend Yale as one of the main characters did, my daughter wound up at Vassar🙂


Great show!

tonyp Level 5 Jan 16, 2019

My daughter loved the original show, never missed an episode, and grew into a strong and amazing woman.

JimG Level 8 Jan 16, 2019

No. The original show had clever quick fire dialogue, and portrayed strong women and the girls were brilliant.


I've never watched it so I'm not too familiar with it. If you are worried, then it's on Netflix. Watch the whole series and if you think it isn't appropriate for your daughter then don't let her watch it. It was a popular show without any controversy, as far as I know, so why not let her watch it?

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